XBBN Memorabilia
I worked at Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. for 19 years, from January 1977
through January 1996; it was my first job out of college. Since then I've
followed the email discussions, rambles, and disputations on the XBBN mailing
list, moderated by Daniel Dern.
- BBN Holds 35th Annual Meeting (HTML, or zip
of Word95 original), Sturdleigh Press International, 6 November 1995.
Marian Bremer posted this amusing Word document, pertaining to one of the
last two annual meetings, either 1995 or 1996. The only annual meeting
I ever attended was the really final one, in the fall of 1996. By then
I was contracting at Fidelity downtown, and just walked a couple of blocks
to the annual meeting site. The GTE stock tender offer was in May,
1997. To convert the Word DOC to HTML, I used Word-2000 save as...
HTML, then hacked at it for an hour in FrontPage 2000 to get stuff back into
the right order, get rid of excessive white space and so forth. It is
impressive that Microsoft Word can so earnestly convert back and forth to
HTML, but it still has a long way to go before it is doing what I want right
off the bat. Anyway, enjoy it in either format!