bright yellow tube sponge to the left is my favorite sponge.
Purple and tan tube sponges and a variety of hard and soft corals
are nearby. These sponges are growing at about 40' depth,
attached to a vertical coral wall that descends to over 100'
depth below us.
The pink vase sponge on the right looks like a very soft and
furry sponge, and reminds me a bit of the young Audrey II in
Little Shop of Horrors. Another open mouth to feed...
The sponge on the left reminds me of a Grecian urn, lost in a
shipwreck and rediscovered at the bottom of the sea.
The sponge on the right is fairly typical of the barrel sponges
we found in somewhat more shallow water, 15-30' depth. We saw
some that were more than 5' tall and 3' in diameter.