Robert E. Wells Publications

Wells | Resume
  1. "Highly Parallel Virtual Memory Management on the TC2000" (with D. Barach, T. Uban, and J. Gibson), Proc. of the 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Vol I-549, IEEE CS Order #2101, August, 1990.
  2. "Design of Parallel Virtual Memory Management on the TC2000" (with D. Barach, T. Uban, and J. Gibson), BBN Report #7296, 1990.
  3. "Integrated Text and Graphics," NCGA Conference Proceedings, Anaheim, CA, May, 1984, Volume II, pp. 718-726.
  4. "A Technique for Finding Storage Allocation Errors in C-language Programs" (with D. Barach and D. Taenzer), SIGPLAN (17,7), July, 1982, pp. 32-38.
  5. "The Design of the PEN Video Editor Display Module" (with D. Barach and D. Taenzer), Proc. ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA Symposium on Text Manipulation, SIGPLAN (16,6), June, 1981, pp. 130-136.
  6. "Program Conversion: One Successful Paradigm" (with J. Risley and C. Lynn), AFIPS Proceedings volume 48, 1979 NCC, pp. 139-148.
  7. "A Case Study in Distributed Processing" (with A. Nemeth and D. Hunt), COMPCON Fall 1978 Proceedings, pp. 399-402.
  8. "Gypsy: A Language for Specification and Implementation of Verifiable Programs" (with A. Ambler, D. Good et al), SIGPLAN (12,3) March 1977, pp. 1-18.
  9. "Specification and Implementation of a Verifiable Communications System," Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, 1977.
Contact | Updated June 15, 2003.
Wells | Resume