Changes to be made
Two things need to be fixed. These two things are the government and the people.
The government needs to lose alot of weight. Everything should be removed except for a small and efficient Judicial system. All the government does is enforce a few laws that all citizens agree are just and right. For more on this new legal system, go back to the socio-political page and read New Legal system. Liberty will reign completely. As long as you don't hurt anyone, you can do whatever you want.
Every substance you can find anywhere should be legal to own, buy, sell and use. Applied to modern society, this means that drugs should be legalized. If someone is stupid enough to want to fry their brain with a pound of crack or cocaine per day, let them. They'll die within the year, and those who saw them fry their brain will have learned a valuable lesson about substance abuse and moderation.
The people, unfortunately, also need to be changed. Right now, they enjoy having their free will stripped from them. Some of them would crack and go postal if they were given absolute freedom. People would have to slowly be weaned away from the conditioning our society thrusts upon them. Give them freedom in small doses, increasing as they become more used to it. When they're ready for freedom and all that it entails, our society will be as it should be.
I don't know exactly what to do about TV. It really is an evil institution. Not because it shows inappropriate material (people should be allowed to watch whatever they want), but because it is the primary contioning implement of society and it makes you want to be conditioned. Young people are sucked into it when they are very impressionable, and everafter, they live off it and emulate it and do what it tells them to. The problem is, they like it. Truly an insidious institution. I admit, I too have my vices, Simpsons and X-files are my addictions. I think I could stop, but I really don't want to. Maybe TV should be treated the way books obviously should be. You watch it if you want to and accept that it may alter the way you think. The problem with this is that TV doesn't require you to think as much as a book would. Books require and provoke thought, therefore allowing you to choose what you take away from the book. But TV shows, you can watch without thinking at all, possibly exposing yourself to unwanted conditioning. Ultimately, what people want is to be subjugated and amused by the TV. They don't want intellectual stimulation, they want slapstick and characters to insult each other. This is the inherent flaw in people. This is what needs to be changed. I think a good solution would be to simply increase everyone's IQ by about 20 points. Then shows that are obviously stupid and subjugating would be disregarded and cancelled, and people wouldn't be upset by this. If anyone's got a better solution (or one that's easier to implement) email me (addresses are on my home page, just go back a few levels using the links at the bottom of the page).
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